QRKidz are broken down by the following: Nursery is birth-2 years old. Pebbles are age 3-pre-school. Rocks are kindergarten-3rd grade. And Ignite is grades 4-6. Nursery, Pebbles, and Rocks meet during the worship experience at 10am. Ignite meets from 9am-9:45am. For further information on children's ministry, please contact Kevin & Jennie Strom at qrkidz@qrchurch.org
Birth-2 years old
Nursery is a vital ministry as young babies and toddlers are cared for. It is here that they begin the learning process as they feel, hear, see, and sense the love of God through those who serve in the nursery.
Age 3-Pre-school
Everything we teach our preschoolers in our pebbles class is based on one of three simple, but powerful truths. The entire curriculum is constructed to meet your preschoolers where they are cognitively, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. Through age appropriate activities, preschoolers are building their spiritual foundation so that by the time they graduate to Kindergarten, they know these three basic truths:
~God Made Me
~God Loves Me
~Jesus Wants To Be My Friend Forever
Rocks- Grades K-3. Ignite- Grades 4-6
Everything we teach in Rocks and Ignite class are based on one of three basic, but powerful truths modeled by Jesus in Luke 2:52.
~I need to make the wise choice
~I can trust God no matter what
~I should treat others the way I want to be treated
The curriculum is designed to provoke discovery and invite kids into a new understanding of how to grow in relationship with Jesus. We do this by looking at 150 Bible stories and studying 4 faith skills- (Hear, Pray, Talk, and Live).